Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Spent the night crying...not because of loneliness or pain...but because of the overwhelming beauty of the set of mp3s given to me by a good friend, Jeff (man! I owe you one). It made me remember why I took Music as a course while all my friends were taking commerce, mass communication, psychology, etc. It made me remember how I used to sang with all my heart in our chorus class, the glee club concerts that we've staged, the 1st friday masses we've sang to. The way I played the contrabass for the school orchestra, the frequent practice and lessons in CCP, The recitals I've participated, the concerts I've seen. Meeting all those talented made me much I love MUSIC...and I just can't control myself I started to weep.

I also remember being part of the church choir leaving it was most painful for me...but I got sick and I have no choice but to quit the choir. Still I do my best to share my love for music in every way I can.

Now just hearing those celestial voices and too much for me... ;) it's too beautiful!!!

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